Turfgrass Mixtures / Blends



Premium quality mix. 100% Kentucky bluegrass varieties that have been developed for the sod industry. It is a high quality, high density, disease resistant turf with optimum sod strength and has applications spefic to golf fairways and roughs, athletic fields, parks and homeowners.


Perfection will products a high density turf with attractive, deep colour. It is a certified lawn mixture providing a superior lawn. Can be used in full sun or partial shade.


Prairie Green

The all-purpose lawn blend for lawns and playgrounds.



Slower growing mix with excellent shade tolerance.  Envirogreen is a specially formulated seed mixture designed for ‘overseeding’ an existing lawn or establishing a ‘new’ lawn.


Dura Green

Economical mix for less demanding areas such as ditches and water runs.



Shadow is very tolerant to shade.  The mixture gives dense and compact growth. Shadow is very well suited for low input of water and fertilizer. For hot & dry composition, drought tolerant grass is included.



Sunshine has very high drought tolerance combined with a dense and compact growth. It grows well in both sun and shade and has good recovery after wear and damage. Sunshine keeps a nice green colour even in dry periods. Composition with drought tolerant grass.